Our guarantee to you...

Triple your marketing investment or we work for free

If we can't generate enough qualified plumbing leads to triple your marketing investment within twelve months, we'll work for free until we do. It's that simple. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

Example of how our guarantee works:

You've decided to partner with PlumberMarketing.ca to market and grow your plumbing business. You begin on Jan 1, 2025 with a monthly investment of $2,999. Over the course of twelve months you will have invested a total of $35,988 ($2,999 per month x 12 months = $35,988 annual investment). At the end of twelve months, on Dec 31, 2025, we need to have generated qualified leads equal in value to three times your investment. That means we need to generate qualified leads worth $107,964 (annual investment of $35,988 x 3 = $107,964). With each qualified lead being valued at $250 that means we need to have generated a minimum of 432 qualified leads, (three times your investment $107,964 / $250 per qualified lead = 432 qualified leads). If we fail to generate a minimum of 432 qualified leads (an average of 36 qualified leads per month) for you by Dec 31, 2025 we'll keep working at no cost to you until we generate the 432 quality leads we guaranteed.

Terms and conditions

Our guarantee is based on a partnership between your plumbing business and the team at PlumberMarketing.ca. While our aim is to make marketing your plumbing business as simple, risk-free, and successful as possible, we can't do it without your help. The following outlines the terms and conditions that must be met for our guarantee to be valid.

  1. Twelve (12) Month Commitment: You agree to commit to a twelve (12) month term to provide us adequate time to fulfill our commitment to you.
  2. Marketing Strategy and Tactics: You agree to work with us to customize and implement our marketing strategy for your plumbing business. Tactics may include company branding, website, content marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, and lead tracking.
  3. Lead Tracking: All leads will be tracked using our lead tracking platform. Only leads in our lead tracking platform count towards our guarantee. This means you are fee to generate your own leads in tandem with our efforts, should you choose to use any marketing tactics outside the scope of our services.
  4. Qualified Leads: Qualified leads are defined by the following three (3) criteria:
    1. Unique: Each lead must be unique in order for it to be considered a qualified lead. A unique lead is a person who has not contacted your business within the past twelve months, through our lead tracking platform. Leads we generate for your business are exclusive to you and never shared with any of our other customers. Example: If Jane Doe contacts you for the first time on January 1, 2025, she is considered a unique lead. If she contacts you again on April 1, 2025, she is not considered a unique lead as she has already contacted you within the previous twelve months. If Jane Doe happens to contact you again on April 1, 2026, she would again be considered a unique lead as it has been more than twelve months since she last contacted you.
    2. Service: Each lead must have a need for a service you offer in order for it to be considered a qualified lead. Example: If Jane Doe contacts you to replace her hot water heater, and you provide hot water heater replacement services, she would meet this criteria for being considered a qualified lead. If however, you did not provide hot water heater replacement services, she would not meet the criteria and would not be considered a qualified lead.
    3. Service Area: Each lead must be within a geographic area you service in order for it to be considered a qualified lead. Example: If Jane Doe contacts you and requests service in Toronto, and you provide service in Toronto, she would meet this criteria for being considered a qualified lead. If however, you do not provide service in Toronto, she would not meet the criteria and would not be considered a qualified lead.
  5. Qualified Lead Value: You acknowledge and understand, that for the purpose of calculating qualified leads that are equal to three times your investment, we use a value of $250 per qualified lead.
  6. Sales: You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for all sales. While we are responsible for generating qualified leads for your plumbing business, you are ultimately responsible for converting these leads into paying customers.